The following blog post is based on actual personal experiences in the companies I used to work for. I was surprised how quickly I turned from an ambitious young man into a well-paid robot. At the time, I wasn’t fully aware that this transition was happening. I just did my job, ran the tasks that were expected from me and copied the methods and behavior of my peers just to fit in. Only in late 2015 did I notice that my job had started to look like a repetitive series of tasks and that I was just a robot executing them. My creativity was never needed, in spite of the fact I was actually hired to bring change and….surprisingly, creative solutions. I was dumbed down into “hands on deck”.
Farmers vs. Hunters
“You are a true farmer” were the exact words my sales team leader had told me well into my first year of my initial career starting job. There were two types of salespeople as he explained to me:
Hunters: They behave like the actual hunters we used to have. Tracking down their prey, waiting for the right time to attack and then going in for an instant kill. They can feed the tribe for a couple of days before the food runs out and panic sets in. They need to keep hunting for food almost daily. In sales terms, they are great at getting short term success and hitting their targets easily. However, they burn through clients like there’s no…