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The Human Brain is Ready for Disruption
We’re innovating technology, let’s also innovate ourselves
The word “innovation” is undeniably connected to technology. Talking about innovation in the 1300s might have sparked a conversation about the printing press. If you asked me to talk about innovations in the early 2000s I would have probably said Facebook and Blackberry phones. However, innovating isn’t necessary always tied to technology. It literally means: “a new method, idea, product, etc”. This means we can also innovate the most important beings on earth…ourselves! With technology taking over difficult calculations, future predictions, and heavy lifting we can focus on improving ourselves.
The introduction of something new
Another definition of innovating is “the introduction of something new”. This can mean anything from an idea to a process or a new set of habits. If we look at the technology side of innovating, this often means doing old things in new ways or combining manual processes into automatic processes. We once used to light all streetlights manually, for example. All streetlights existed out of a candle that used to be lit by hand. The combination of innovations such as electricity, the lightbulb, and a switchboard made it possible to turn the lights on and off from a distance, even…